-In the framework of the observance of the “World Day for Water

The Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in the Republic of Korea is pleased to inform that, in the framework of the observance of the “World Day for Water”, which was declared by a United Nations Resolution (A/RES/47/193) to be celebrated every March 22 o each year, the Embassy will participate on an event to be held on March 29, 2019. This activity is being organized by the Environment Center of Jungrangcheon, to raise awareness of human made contamination of river Jungrang-cheon and Danghyun.

The goal of our participation, starting 10 in the morning, is to share our experience and raise consciousness of the importance of water. Although in Seoul, water might be taking for granted, as everyone can get a glass of free water in every restaurant and as well, as take long showers probably with little cost. In addition, the Han River is so nice and clean.

This is not the case everywhere and for everyone, as in Cochabamba, Bolivia between December 1999 and April 2000, in response to the privatization of the city’s municipal water supply company, we had a series of protest that is known as the Water War.

Acknowledging this, Bolivia under our actual President Evo Morales worked very hard in the General Assembly of the United Nations to make fresh water as a human right. Plastics and industries are polluting our rivers and we should be aware and conscious of what water means, in particular in those countries as ours that to achieve water for all was so painful and still give us many efforts.

That is the reason why we want to pay tribute to the right to clean water for all, and to help raising the importance for the need to conservation of water resources.

It is expected that every county and its national or local governments level of the world, to be part of this “World Day for Water” that looks forward to strengthen the efforts of the peoples of the world to build a culture of appreciation of Mother Nature.

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